How to Avoid Hazards in the Construction Site

How to Avoid Hazards in the Construction Site

Construction is an industry that’s known for its high-injury rate due to numerous risks on the work site. While the number of common hazards in a construction site cannot be decreased, proper safety measures can be implemented to safeguard your team’s health.

Here are several ways on how to avoid hazards in a construction site:

Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos is a mix of mineral fibers that are often used in manufacturing fire and chemical-resistant products. This cost-effective fiber is known for its insulating, fireproofing, sound-absorbing, and strengthening properties, thus it’s regularly added to different building materials. Materials made with asbestos aren’t dangerous. However, once these goods are broken down and the fibers become airborne, they become a hazard. If inhaled in large quantities asbestos can bring a series of health risks such as cancer, asbestosis, and lung problems to its victims.

While the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has issued stringent control measures for asbestos products, its use is still prevalent in the construction industry. Construction workers assigned to do renovations, repairs, and demolitions have a high risk of exposure to this fiber, which can severely impact their health over time.

Here are some of the ways you can safeguard your workers from asbestos exposure:

  • Conduct a training module for asbestos to help your staff identify these materials and steer clear of them.
  • Inspect each site closely before starting your operations to check if any of the building materials used contain asbestos.
  • Provide your workers with protective clothing such as gloves, masks, full-body suits, foot coverings, and face shields to safeguard their health when working on-site.
  • Inform the Environmental Management Bureau of asbestos presence on the work site, so that proper removal of the material can be scheduled.
  • Enforce a strict sanitation protocol for all your employees before they leave the construction site.

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Construction workers frequently use power tools and heavy machinery that emit loud sounds. Frequent exposure to these booming noises can lead to workers losing their hearing. This is a common sickness among laborers in this industry.

Enumerated below are several methods to safeguard your team members from noise-induced hearing loss:

  • Conduct a noise risk assessment for each construction site.
  • Equip your workers with industrial-grade earplugs and earmuffs to stifle loud noises.
  • Invest in noise-reducing equipment like noise barriers and low-noise tools.
common construction site hazards

Equipment Misuse

A leading cause of occupational injuries in the Philippines is the improper use of equipment. Some construction workers lack the training to properly handle tools. Accidents from mishandling equipment can lead to permanent disability or even fatalities. You can prevent this from happening to your team by doing the following:

  • Ensure that your workers have proper equipment training before being allowed to handle tools.
  • Make sure that heavy machinery operators are certified and trained.
  • Implement proper inspection of tools and vehicles before use.

Material Handling

Carrying equipment and materials from station to station can lead to body pains if not done correctly. For example, lifting heavy equipment with your back can lead to back muscle strains, herniated discs, and even paralysis. You can combat these injuries by conducting an ergonomics seminar for your workers.

Facilitating an ergonomics class will help your workers identify and manage risks in the workplace to prevent muscle and spinal injuries.

Electrical Burns

In 2012, a study on patients who had electrical burns was conducted at the Philippine General Hospital. Over 706 patients were interviewed and 533 of these individuals were from the construction industry. Most of the construction workers had high-voltage electrical injuries due to accidental contact with power lines. The country’s development has been rapid, meaning this number could have only increased since then, making it detrimental that you employ safety measures to prevent your employees from suffering the same fate.

Here are some safety practices you can do for your operations:

  • Hire a licensed electrician into your team and have them inspect the site. These professionals can mark dangerous spots for your staff to ensure everyone’s safety.
  • Have your workers assume that any encountered wires are live until inspected and marked.
  • Enforce that all tools are disconnected and put away when not in use.
common hazards in a construction site

Moving Objects

Getting hit or getting caught in between objects is a leading cause of injury according to the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA). These injuries can result in a loss of workdays for your business and can even lead to the hospitalization of your employees.

Below are some safety suggestions your business can employ to prevent accidents like these:

  • Give your employees high-visibility safety gear for the work site such as reflective vests, brightly colored hard hats, and neon softshell jackets.
  • Develop a checklist for all equipment so that its inspected thoroughly before use and stored carefully when not.

Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)

Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a disease of the blood vessels, nerves, and joints that’s incurable. Construction workers who frequently use power tools and heavy equipment are at risk for this debilitating disease.

We’ve enumerated some ways you can safeguard your workers from these injuries:

  • Limit the use of power tools per employee.
  • Invest in low-vibrating equipment and maintain them properly.
  • Provide anti-vibration gloves for workers that frequently use high-power tools.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Slipping over wet surfaces, tripping over wires, and falling from scaffoldings are just some of the accidents that happen at a construction site. Ensuring that you have proper safety protocols in place and are in possession of the correct equipment can guarantee the safety of your workers.

Below are suggestions your company can do to keep your team safe:

  • Invest in a platform lift so staff can safely reach high areas.
  • Implement a buddy system for vertical operations.
  • Provide employees with slip-resistant boots.
  • Enforce CLAYGO for all work sites.
  • Make sure that all areas are well-lit.
platform lift

Preventing Common Hazards in the Construction Site

Enforcing control measures to prevent construction hazards is a key step in safeguarding the health of your employees. By providing safe working conditions for your team, they can perform well at no risk to their health for the years to come.

Purchasing the correct construction tools won’t just keep your employees safe, but they can also help in getting construction work done swiftly. As an authorized distributor of heavy machinery, CMI Equipment can help you acquire the best tools for your business.

Get in touch with us today and see how we can help you make your construction sites safer.