Lighting Up Your Operations with the Doosan LSCK 4 Light Tower

For operations that need light but have no access to light, investing in a light tower is crucial to the success and safety of your team.

Many industries such as construction, emergency response, and mining make use of light towers to illuminate their work sites. Light towers allow teams to continue functioning in a safe and effective manner. However, given how your team can be moving from site to site, it’s important to invest in a portable light tower that can do the job.

Thankfully, Doosan has created a unit that’s portable and powerful, so you can continue operating at your most productive state. This unit is the Doosan LSCK4 Metal Halide Light Tower.

The Doosan LSCK4 Metal Halide Light Tower has four lamps that are 1000 W each to ensure that it can illuminate a wide area. Powered by an 11-Horsepower engine at 15000 RPM, you’re guaranteed a reliable unit that’s both portable and powerful.

Are you ready to take your business’ productivity to the next level? Then keep reading to learn all about the Doosan LSCK4 Metal Halide Light Tower’s features.

Work Anywhere

Doosan has designed the LSCK4 Light Tower to be able to withstand any environment and go to any work site.

The architecture of the Doosan LSCK4 Light Tower enables it to endure dusty applications in the most rugged terrains. In fact, even in tight quarters, the Doosan LSCK4 Light Tower can fit because of its compact build.

It also has a dual engine option for the 4000-watt range that ensures that your unit can work for long periods of time without jeopardizing your operations. Each lamp can also be rotated 360 degrees, allowing your team to light up multiple sites with just one unit.

Doosan light tower LSCK4
Doosan LSCK4 Light Tower

Operate for Longer

Doosan’s LSCK4 Light Tower has a large plastic fuel tank that minimizes the chances of corrosion while maximizing every drop of fuel you load into it. The sizable 102-liter fuel tank also ensures that your unit can continue running for longer hours with no problem.

Due to the efficient engine and the large fuel tank, the Doosan LSCK4 Light Tower can continue illuminating over 7.5 acres for a total of 66 hours.

Effortlessly Illuminating Job Sites with the Doosan LSCK4 Light Tower

With the Doosan LSCK4 Light Tower in your fleet, your team will continue working in safe and well-illuminated conditions even during the dead of the night. No matter the working site, your team has got the equipment they need to do so.

The features we’ve mentioned throughout this article also prove that your business can benefit from this unit because of its innovative build. Not only will the Doosan LSCK4 Light Tower increase your company’s productivity but it can also reduce your business’ operating expenses due to the reduced maintenance costs.

Did you find out everything you need to know about what makes the Doosan LSCK4 Light Tower a worthy investment? Then it’s time to procure this unit for your operations. You’ll want to find a trustworthy distributor so you’re guaranteed an authentic unit, like CMI Equipment.

CMI Equipment has helped many businesses procure the equipment they need to illuminate their work sites. Our team can help you get the unit you need when you need it. We also have a network of service centers ready to help you maintain your unit.

Contact us today to get started!